Pi Day – Fun Ways to Celebrate

pi day

Have you ever heard of Pi Day?

Pi Day is celebrated every year, on March 14.

Founded in 1988 by physicist Larry Shaw, Pi (π) Day has become an international holiday.

The date was selected because of its numbers, 3.14, which are the first three digits of Pi.

Moreover, it is also Albert Einstein’s birthday!

This is the day to compete in reciting the digits of Pi (3.14…), complete fun math activities, share Pi jokes, discuss latest discoveries in mathematics and related fields, and, of course, eat some delicious PIE!

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Pi Day has its own place in the world of the Internet – check out https://www.piday.org/ for more information on how and why this day was established, who sponsors it, as well as for a variety of Pi Day resources.

The first calculation of π was done by Archimedes of Syracuse (287–212 BC). He used Pythagorean Theorem to approximate the area of a circle. Later, Zu Chongzhi, a Chinese mathematician, also used a similar method. Then, in the 1706, William Jones introduced the Greek letter π to be the symbol of Pi number, while Leonhard Euler adopted and popularized it.

Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle and its diameter. Therefore, in order to determine the circumference and area of any circle or to find the volume and surface area of any 3D shape that contains circle(s) it is necessary to use the number Pi in calculations.

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Pi is a homonym of Pie. There are a number of funny jokes and memes related to this.

Here are some of them for you to laugh at together.

Pi Day is also a great day for all kinds of hands on activities that could include baking a pie with a Pi symbol on it or cutting strings to match the approximate length of a Pi segment.

Exploratorium’s Cutting Pi and Pi Graph activities will help your child understand how Pi works while engaging in a fun activity.

On Pi Day you can also encourage your child to improve their understanding of solving problems involving the Pi number. In addition to the free video lessons here, you can download a study note and practice on the topic.

Don’t have much time for an activity, but want to try something cool and quick with your kid(s) related to Pi number on Pi Day?

Let the Wolfram Language generate your own personal piece of Pi.

Enter your birthday or any other date to see how many digits it takes to get there.

Have fun on Pi Day and remember that it is easy to get ahead in math for free any day, anytime anywhere with IntoMath